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slowly, slowly, this becomes an about me page.

let's start with the basics.

what else is important to know about me?

This website began as a reaching for expression and creativity, a longing to make a space of my own. Here, slowly over time, you can get to know me and about what is I believe is immportant. But the pages are perpetually in progress and currently very young so here's a bit more.

I am somewhat of a reformed recluse, not that reclusivity requires reformation. Moreso I mean that for a long time I didn't know how to exist in the world and I have been figuring it out. I expect I'll always be a bit unsure about how to be here, but I am here and I belong.

I am a slightly secret idealist. In person I know I can seem a bit something, maybe distant? But I also sincerely believe in connection: sharing joy and beauty with unabashed affection; building relationships characterized by mutual care, respect, and compassion; and trying to be better together.